Friday, July 27, 2012

Quick Post : DIY and Cool Things

Just a random things that I got from surfing the net this afternoon. These are amazing! I always interested at DIY project cause it's so unique and inspiring. I found it on this cool site named CraftGawker

organizer from old window

i forgot what it is :p but i'm pretty sure this made from old magazines, brochures, etc.

necklace display from thread roller

headboard made from old and unuse wood

suitcase sidetable 
 This last picture isn't diy goods like another. It's an artsy things that i think amazing and I can't stop wondering how can he/she do this. Told on the article through this he/she made a campaign fight against the air contamination and go green.
do you see the detail of the engraving? so much look like real!

source :

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


You don't have to be a shell 
You're the one that rules your world 
You are strong and you'll learn that you can still go on
And you'll always be a pearl

Who like the quote? :p me as well. Actually it's taken from Katy Perry's song "Pearl". I'm one of her fans, not so big but i love her anyway. 

A new outfit post agaaaiinn but i want you to know that the making is really driving me crazy. FIRST when i took the photos by self (of course by photo timer) it turned to be blurry, most of them and the SECOND when i was about to edit them, most of all the "saved" photos couldn't be open (the device said "photo is corrupted or bla bla bla" ) and i was like about to screaming aloud. 

Okay enough for the "disaster story behind the post" and here are they "the saved photos". Taken in my messy and small room. Not enough sunlight so I edited them a bit in tone.

About the outfits just simply mix and match them randomly. One thing that i should tell you is about the shoes. It is an ugly shoes which i bought in somewhere i forgot and it would be used for ceremony in college because i didn't have any black shoes and i just randomly bought a pair and didn't mind about the style of shoes. It's not a "very stylish shoes" or maybe "it's not a fashion shoes". I thought it so (at first) and again i got a wild mind. I tried to combine them and i realized it's not to bad. Pretty things make you great but when you turn an ugly things into pretty ones, it's greater. Isn't it? :)

black dress with pearl collar - sash
red bowler hat - sash
tights - sister's
shoes - unbranded